Setting up LifeStyle Endeca Application and LifeStyle Reference Application
We can create an Endeca application based on discover-data deployment deployment template by following the steps provided in Getting Started Guide ( - Deploying a Reference Application) and then view the sample pages using discover-electronics reference application (http:localhost:8006/discover)
As beginners, we tend to play around the reference application by changing the pipeline, creating a new cartridge templates and then seeing the changes in the reference application. To do this we should have a reference application that is specific to our application so that we can make all the changes as we need without effecting the base reference application.
I have followed the below steps to create a new Endeca application and corresponding new reference application to make the changes.
Check that the Endeca HTTP Service and Endeca Tools Service are up and running
1. Create a new Endeca application named lifestyle based on discover-data deployment template
a) Navigate to cd C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\deployment_template\bin and execute
deploy.bat --app ..\..\reference\discover-data\deploy.xml
Provide the below parameter values
- Application Name: lifestyle
- Deployment Directory : C:\Endeca\apps
- EAC Port : 8888
- Workbench port : 8006
- Live Dgraph port : 18000
- Authoring Dgraph port : 18002
- Log Server Port : 18010
Ensure that the application is successfully deployed
b) Navigate to the control directory of the newly created application and execute the initialize_services.bat to provision the application to EAC
c) Execute the load_baseline_test_data to load the test data
d) Run the baselineupdate to perform full indexing
e) Execute promote content to promote the content to work bench
2. Navigate to C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\reference directory, copy of the discover-electronics reference application folder, paste it in the same directory and name it as lifestyle
3. Modify the following properties in file of lifestyle reference application
- workbench.port=8006
- workbench.publishing.serverPort=8007
- mdex.port=18000
- logserver.port=18010
4. Navigate to ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF sub directory C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\3.1.1\server\workspace\conf\Standalone\localhost, copy the discover.xml file, paste it in the same directory and rename it to lifestyle.xml and make the below changes
5. Restart the EndecaToolsService
6. Verify that lifestyle application is present in the Endeca Workbench with the sample cartridge templates and sample pages.
http://localhost:8006/admin > login and select the lifestyle Endeca Application
7. Verify that the lifestyle reference application is available with sample page views configured in the experience manager with camera test data.
http://localhost:8006/lifestyle to view the lifestyle reference web application
We have successfully created lifestyle Endeca application using discover-data deployment template and successfully have corresponding lifestyle web application running. We can now create a new pages in experience manager, make corresponding view changes in the reference application and see the changes.